It was a very good series and I was highly impressed with Oprah's tough questions that most people would probably wonder about and that every skeptic would definitely have questions about.
I say skeptic because 'The Work' is not for the faint of heart. I cannot stress this enough. You must go into it with 3 essentials: honesty [with self], open-mindedness, and willingness. (Read the 'About' section of this blog and see what I did with Loving What Is
If, however, you are fighting for your life, your sanity, your serenity, suicidal thoughts, addictions, attachments, your marriage, your lover, your parents, your kids, feel like you're worthless, are going nowhere, are no good or anything even remotely similar and you get to that point...that ONE point where "everything" has failed (God, yourself, your mind, other people, your kids, your spouse, your friends, your brain, your manipulations and machinations, your pleading, begging, your drinking, your drugs, your prescribed drugs, your eating, your facebooking, your blogging, your twittering, your workaholism, your raging)...this is when you are ready.
So with a little more of that said, I think a kind introduction to Katie would be this series. Her personality is such a winner that when I go back over the book I can always temper the [previously at first] seemingly harsh reality of the truths, with her compassionate spirit.
It's in three parts and the quality is amazing!
Byron Katie with Oprah Winfrey on Soul Series #1 Video
Byron Katie with Oprah Winfrey on Soul Series #2 Video
Byron Katie with Oprah Winfrey on Soul Series #3 Video
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